All Guitar Hero Setlists
Guitar Hero's Disappointment
The one thing I just don’t like about Guitar Hero is that you have one chance of getting everything right or it’s game over and you have to start right at the beginning of the song lol. I wished that Activision would have just focused more on picking where you left off on a song like in “practice Mode.” Where you have the choice to pick up where you left off, and slow down the track if you needed to. I would have just put the “Selected Start Section” in both “Quickplay” and “Practice Mode.” Instead of just picking one or the other and rewind the track in songs like how Activision and Harmonix did in Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock (GH6) and Rock Band 3 did once you have paused the song.
The image below is an example on what I am taking about

Now on to Rockbands Setlists
I kind of find it cool back in the day that Activision would let you put in a song you would want to play in guitar hero so they can add it to their setlist.
But although I did go on the old Guitarhero.com but unfortunately I did not see this until now. lol but if I did see this a long time ago, I would put in a track.