So, the story goes the gutters were overflowing at this time and right below the gutters was a charcoal grill, so later when I was drumming, heard the rain hit the grill from downstairs. It sounded really cool so, the next day I made up the beat similar of what just heard and worked on that for years. Started with the snare, then added double bass to it and continued to sound more like a song. When recording it, I had some song takes of different versions of the song. Then did the final take looked at the song for a few times really closely then the song was born. This song took a while to make but the later it is the better unlike bon Jovi “Alright the first take we’re done” lol
- Actually, the Valley Of Ashes is a depressing industrial Of Queens in the Great Gaspy. nothing much to say much about this song it’s just what I got that awesome name from. Another thing to point out is right before the breakdown at the 8:25 minute mark I say really quietly you would need headphones to kind of hear it clearly. but after I said that a really cool breakdown just appeared in my head amazingly. every time I hear it, I’m like holy crap.
Implr is just a song that I made on Guitar Hero Metallica that I just expanded on.
Titan Falls is a ps4 title that fitted well with this song. after I got done with the last song, I’m like there needs to be one more track. When I got done, I was running out of titles, so I went to the internet and searched up PlayStation 4 titles and that was how I found titan falls. Thought it was a good title, so I went with it.
CARZONE was just a song I made years ago on Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock. I made a really cool beat and continued on with it. The song was to long on the game probably because I was just figuring out how to record the custom song but it went on forever. So what I did was I remembered the track redid it on the drums, and shorted it down to 4 minutes because during the song there was long pauses in between.