- Carter’s Video Takeover
- Class Confusion
- T.V Problem

Where it's All About Drumming

I got better at Drumming by Guitar Hero because it helped me understand music better. Showed me other variety’s of songs and artists to play Like Metallica, R.E.M, Flyleaf, Rush, Deep purple and many more. These artists are an enjoyment to play on the drums.
Engaging with Music
I do 3-4 hours of drumming to a verity of songs like Always By Saliva, Self Esteem By The Offspring, When I’m Gone By 3 doors Down, Don’t Speak By No Doubt, Vicarious By Tool, Indestructible By Disturbed, Hey Buddy by A Thousand Knives Of Fire and so many more bands I’m getting intoBecause before I was just doing Metallica over and over again. So my brain had enough of it and was trying to tell me to get into bands that I played before and expand on that so that is what I am doing right now. I still have the love/passion for drumming and will always be looking to continue this world with drumming!

drumming brands I've played with

Albums I Like from these bands

albums and Favorite Tracks

Blazin', and standing alone
My evolution Of Drum Sets Plus guitar Hero and Rockband
Guitar Hero And RockBand drum kits I had through the years
My Guitar Hero Experience
The first time I ever played these guitar hero sets was when I came home from my grandparents' house After I got my SP drum set.Saw a big box right next to the T.V so was wondering what that was. Whet over there and it was "Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock" for the Nintendo Wii my first ever guitar hero played. The bundle came with Drums, Guitar, Bass, and Mic. Sat up the drums right away, but when I was setting the drum kit up. Found out that it came with free drum sticks on the side of the drum kit. The funny thing is that while setting up the drums, I thought that the Guitar Hero drum kit would make the drum sounds just like an electronic drum set, but later on, I figured out that the sounds from the kit were coming from the T.V obviously. If that drum kit made the sounds of a real drum set, it would come with a lot of wires for the set to connect to the T.V and plus the bundle would be more expansive than it was back in the day lol, played this thing to death every day for months but one day someone sat on the "Drum Brain" (the holder for the Wii Remote) where you put in and control the Wii Remote inside. after sitting on the holder for the Wii remote that came built in with the drum kit,broke off leaving it dangling of the kit. The next bundle I got was the Rock Band 2 bundle which had the same instruments like the Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock Bundle did but the only difference with Harmanix’s drum kit than Activations was that Rock band’s drum set has 4 pads instead of 5 on the guitar hero drum kit (Taking away the orange cymbal pad.) Worked perfectly fine for all Guitar Hero games (Well Except for Guitar Hero 1, 2, and 3) because at that time it was only for Guitar and Bass. A long Time ago in a galaxy far away I was at camp, brought in my Rock band drum set that I was using for Guitar Hero to show the kids at the end of the day. Once looking for a song to play on Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. a kid just kept setting on the green pad of the rockband drum kit witch right then broke off to the side when I got done playing. Similar to the drum brain problem. Which kept me a little frustrated for a while but at least I have my real drums to play on to keep me busy and enjoy but now in 2021 I don't really play much Guitar Hero/Rockband anymore (if I am its rare) but what I'm really focusing on right now is the real drums and getting it right.
The first time I ever played these guitar hero sets was when I came home from my grandparents' house After I got my SP drum set.Saw a big box right next to the T.V so was wondering what that was. Whet over there and it was "Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock" for the Nintendo Wii my first ever guitar hero played. The bundle came with Drums, Guitar, Bass, and Mic. Sat up the drums right away, but when I was setting the drum kit up. Found out that it came with free drum sticks on the side of the drum kit. The funny thing is that while setting up the drums, I thought that the Guitar Hero drum kit would make the drum sounds just like an electronic drum set, but later on, I figured out that the sounds from the kit were coming from the T.V obviously. If that drum kit made the sounds of a real drum set, it would come with a lot of wires for the set to connect to the T.V and plus the bundle would be more expansive than it was back in the day lol, played this thing to death every day for months but one day someone sat on the "Drum Brain" (the holder for the Wii Remote) where you put in and control the Wii Remote inside. after sitting on the holder for the Wii remote that came built in with the drum kit,broke off leaving it dangling of the kit. The next bundle I got was the Rock Band 2 bundle which had the same instruments like the Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock Bundle did but the only difference with Harmanix’s drum kit than Activations was that Rock band’s drum set has 4 pads instead of 5 on the guitar hero drum kit (Taking away the orange cymbal pad.) Worked perfectly fine for all Guitar Hero games (Well Except for Guitar Hero 1, 2, and 3) because at that time it was only for Guitar and Bass. A long Time ago in a galaxy far away I was at camp, brought in my Rock band drum set that I was using for Guitar Hero to show the kids at the end of the day. Once looking for a song to play on Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. a kid just kept setting on the green pad of the rockband drum kit witch right then broke off to the side when I got done playing. Similar to the drum brain problem. Which kept me a little frustrated for a while but at least I have my real drums to play on to keep me busy and enjoy but now in 2021 I don't really play much Guitar Hero/Rockband anymore (if I am its rare) but what I'm really focusing on right now is the real drums and getting it right.